Thursday, September 20, 2007

Public Program - WIRED

This  is the largest program that I have been involved in up till now. Till date I have done seminars / public programs that have had a little over 100 participants. But, this program
will have more than 800 people ( The hall capacity is 820) - We are expecting 1000+

I pray that Chennai Corporate Fellowship (CCF)
will continue to grow from strength to strength after this program. 

I also Pray that Pas.Sam, me and all others on stage will glorify God 
through this program. 

1 comment:

V.Chacko Jacob said...

I "Praise God" for the huge success of WIRED. All glory, honor & praise be to the Lord Jesus alone.

Personally, this program was God giving me practical proof of the great things he can do through me.

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In a world obsessed with quick fixes and instant gratification, the truth remains unchanged: the only real shortcut to success is hard work....