Friday, February 22, 2008

General - First Online Interview

I am happy that my first online interview has been published at the below URL
I give God all the glory that somone thought me fine to be interviewed and put the interview online, where it can be a blessing to many people.


Rims said...

Hey Chacko,

Thats a pretty motivational Interview you gave and thanks for sharing.

I think that if you have learned from your failures and have succeeded then you ought to call them as stepping stones rather than term them as failures.

All the Best!

Rims said...

Hey Chacko,

Thats a pretty motivational Interview you gave and thanks for sharing.

I think that if you have learned from your failures and have succeeded then you ought to call them as stepping stones rather than term them as failures.

All the Best!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hi Chacko, hope you are doing gr8 !!
A reader had posted a question. I thought it will be appropriate if you answer the Q.

Check the Q at this link:

Cheers !!

The Only Shortcut Is Hard Work

In a world obsessed with quick fixes and instant gratification, the truth remains unchanged: the only real shortcut to success is hard work....