Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Power of Personal Regeneration

by Robin S. Sharma

The primary duty of every human being is to evolve into your best self. Every day of our lives presents with opportunities to experience, learn and grow. The wise person recognizes this and commits himself to the inner work required to constantly expand one's personal frontiers.

In my own life, I try to spend as much time possible in the process of self-examination. I try to figure out what I am doing right and, perhaps more importantly what I am doing wrong so I can make those all-important course corrections to improve the way that I work and live.

The goal of all this "innerwork", is to continuously recreate myself into the person that I have always dreamed of becoming.

Here are a number of particularly effective strategies that I encourage you to use in your own life so that you can actualize you highest self and become the leader you are destined to be:

1)Get Clarity: The essential starting point for recreating your life is to gain clarity on what outcomes you desire. Take out a piece of paper and write a few paragraphs outlining what you want your life to look like two years from now, personally, professionally and even spiritually. Then list all of the barriers you must overcome as well as the skills you must develop to get you to this destination. I also recommend that you set about defining your 90 day, 180 day and 360 day goals in the following areas: Personal Development, Family and Relationship, Career and Financial, Social and Network and your Adventure/Fun goals. I have personally prepared my goals in these areas on four sheets of paper that I call my "lifemap" and I revisit these on an almost daily basis to keep myself focused and dedicated to my highest priorities. When you know what activities offer you the best return on your investment of time, it is easier to say no to the things that do not count.

2)Create a Dream Team: You become your environment. In my own life, I am very careful as to who I spend my time with. I try my very best to surround myself with people who are passionate, principled, peaceful and dedicated to doing great things. I also look for people who are innovators and intelligent. In spending my time with such individuals, some of their brilliance rubs off on me and I gain insights which help me live a richer life. I also try and spend my time reading from the best books, learning from the best magazines and going to seminars where I learn cutting-edge ideas for personal mastery. As David Schwartz noted in his wonderful book "The Magic of Thinking Big", "go first-class in your environment" so that you become an inspired thinker who makes a difference in the world.

3)Kindle the Fire of Self-discipline: It is impossible to create a great life without self-discipline and dedication. The good news is that we all have an enormous capacity to be disciplined. If you are finding that your will power is at a low point, it is simply because you have not accessed the abundance of self-discipline which resides within you. Once you cultivate your self-discipline, you'll find that you have the energy, stamina and focus to do all those things that you know you should be doing to create a great life.

The three best ways that I know of to build self-discipline are as follows: 1) get up early, 2) finish what you start and 3) do the little things that you don't like doing but know that you should do.

4)Grow Aware of Your Focus: As I say in my leadership seminars, what you focus on grows, what you think about expands and what you dwell on determines your destiny. A great book to read on the power on mental focus and how it shapes your world is James Allen's "As A Man Thinketh". The fact of the matter is that your life five years from now will be determined primarily by the thoughts that you were thinking and the actions you are taking. If you focus on what is not working in your life, you will find that those negative perceptions will grow and invade your mind. If, however, you focus on what is working and the high points, more will enter into your world. I encourage you to take a few minutes every few day and write a gratitude list of all the good things that are currently in your life. Detect the positive things and you will begin to notice that they expand in your awareness. For example, note the fact that you are healthy, have good friends, live in a great country, can access wonderful wisdom, and have the opportunity to enjoy a sunrise once in awhile. By engaging in the art of gratitude, you will shift your mindset into one of abundance and prosperity.

5)Be Gentle With Yourself: All to often, we are hard on ourselves if we do not create the life we want as quickly as we know we can. Life and personal expansion is a process. We are all works in progress. Do not expect perfection of yourself only excellence. If you make a mistake, understand that this is a gateway to growth and a chance for you to grow. The real key is to turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones towards higher awareness, greater leadership and more fun along the journey of your life.

As always, I wish you well.

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