Sunday, February 1, 2015

5 Key Reasons NOT to Quit Your Job

by Bernard Marr

When you’re unhappy in your current job, it’s easy to see leaving as the best option. Sometimes we make rushed decisions to quit without considering all the reasons we might want to stay, such as longer term career opportunities, benefits, the opportunities in the industry, and so on.
But some problems — like having a bad boss, or not getting along with co-workers — can be short lived, especially in large businesses where people move around frequently.
Before you say those two fateful words — “I quit!” — be sure you consider these reasons you might not want to.... or at least not yet.
  1. You don’t have a plan.
    Quitting your job without a plan could be a big deal if you don’t have enough savings to see you through several months of unemployment. In the U.S., people who voluntarily leave their jobs don’t qualify for unemployment benefits. If you don’t have at least a few months income in savings, or some other plan for making money temporarily, quitting your job could be a very bad idea indeed.
  2. Recruiters and potential employers have a preference for “passive” — or still employed — applicants.
    It doesn’t make much sense, but data confirms that employers prefer to hire people who are still employed. In fact, the longer you are unemployed, the harder it is to get a new job.
  3. There are benefits to being promoted within a company instead of hopping around from company to company.
    Lots of companies reward loyalty and longevity with additional benefits and perks. If there is the possibility that you can move up within your own company to a more desirable position, it could be better to make a plan to do that then jumping to a new company — where you won’t have any salary history, seniority, stock options, etc.
  4. Being willing to leave puts you in a position to negotiate; leaving doesn’t.
    When you’re actually willing to walk away, it puts you in a very strong position to negotiate. But if you storm out in anger, you’ve lost all your bargaining power — with your current employer and potential employers (maybe you need them more than they need you). Consider whether there are any changes you could negotiate that would improve your situation where you are, and then figure out how to negotiate for them.
  5. The grass is always greener.
    If you’re unhappy and feeling emotional, anything might look better than your current job. But remember that just about every job comes with plusses and minuses. A job that has better benefits might come with a longer commute, and you could be leaving one bad boss for another. Before making a rash decision, consider if there are changes you can make without leaving. Can you take a night class, volunteer to work in a different department, or find a mentor in the field you’re considering? Trying those things first might make your current position more bearable — or set you up for success when you are ready to leave.
And, a bonus reason not to quit? Your resume could suffer. If you’ve been at your current position for less than a year, it could be better to stick it out a few extra months to have a full year of experience to list on your resume. Recruiters and employers tend to shy away from people who look like job hoppers, spending only a few months here and a few months there at different jobs.
If you’ve considered all these reasons, it’s possible you may still want to quit — and that’s OK. But be sure you do so with a plan, and not in the heat of the moment.

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